Prostate Cancer Charity Golf Day
Event - 4 Ball Ambrose
Generously sponsored by
A Charity Golf Day is held each year with the proceeds being donated to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia for research purposes. This event is held on the fourth Sunday in October.
Capacity fields have always ensured a very successful day with several thousands of dollars donated each year to this very worthy cause.
Extractas Bioscience is also a significant contributor to this event.
The event in the past has attracted a number of AFL stars including, Jade and Brady Rawlings and Grant Birchall, in 2013 touring professional, Jarrod Lyle was our special guest for the golf day. Sadly Jarrod passed away in August 2018.
Over the past 21 years, we have raised an incredible $152,000, all of which has gone directly to supporting prostate cancer research and awareness.
We would like to extend our thanks, to our Major Sponsor for 2024: Merseybank Apartments for sponsoring this event.